Installation: Unzip with WINZIP, move the harley davidson folder to the aircraft directory.

Harley Davidson virtual cockpit:
I chose to use only the virtual cockpit view on this model. If you cannot see the handlebars, gas tank (with speedo) and forks select VIEWS menu, then INSTRUMENT PANEL and check GLOBAL ON, then repeat and check GLOBAL OFF or ("SHIFT+["). If there is NO NEEDLE on the SPEEDOMETER then, pull down the AIRCRAFT REALISM menu, select the ok button and the needle will load properly.

Starting: Be sure mixture is full rich (CTRL+SHIFT+F4) then start (CTRL+E). Shutdown mixture full lean (CTRL+SHIFT+F1)

* Use auto rudder in the AIRCRAFT / REALISM MENU so that the forks move when turning

This is freeware do what you wish with it...have fun but don't make money with it (unless you give me some) .... SALOON49@HOTMAIL.COM